Tuesday, March 16, 2004


[Mar. 16th, 200410:39 pm] [ mood loony ] [ music Dark side of the moon ]
*there is this girl and shes running around pretending that she is somewhere else. Pretending that things are better then what they are. She sits in a car and watches the hills as the wind rushes in and blow the smoke in her face. But this girls not really in the car no shes off on the hillside and its the dew from the night b4 evaporting into fog and it flows around her and dreams on and on watching the hillside around her. See theres this girl...she wants to take every path from the past and explor each one at once. Not one! NO!!!!!! not one..but she chooses every path and lives each life and knows where each goes. She doesn't get lost on the way ..nope she makes each path work out and she plays with these past paths..BUT in the future. there is this girl and she beleives she can do anything still.. she wants to do it all in fact. she wants to live out every past future thought the model, photographer, art teacher, pirate sailor, escaPE! Explorer, anthropologist..yea she wants it allSee there is this girl...and she hides in the cortex of my frontal lobe and she still feels disconnected even though she thinks she should come around soon...see she acts out the part shes suppose to and therefore appears connected, but she's not! See this girl wants to stay searching and living and being free..what will become of this girl ..this me when the cortex joins and all her dreams and aspirations and life..is goneI dont want to live another life..i just want to live each path out and see which one i should choosetheres this girl Luna and she just doesn't want any of it to end and she never wants to choose.
"GOt to keep the loonies on the Path"